The Buhman Family: Steeped in Tradition, Respect, and Honor

I attended another funeral today for the Buhman family. The Buhmans had thirteen original long-living brothers and sisters that pretty much all settled down around each other. The Guinness World Record people a few years ago narrowed our family and another family in Italy down as the highest sum in years of siblings living over […]
My Sister Made Me Laugh Today…

My sister called this morning to say she received a paperback version of Picture Perfect Murder. This was the first time she’d held the actual book in her hand and could see how the cover turned out. We’d been shot down multiple times from the publishing place because of size. We discussed the Pros and […]
Personal Testimony of my Sister’s Amazing Journey!!!
This blog post is dedicated to my sister, Juliana. As most of you know, Jules has lost and kept off over 200 pounds this last year. I can’t express how proud I am of her!! Her dedication to making herself into a more healthful person has been surpassed by everyone’s expectations! I’ll never forget her […]
Why Children Should Learn the Five Love Languages
This morning talking with Maddy, I had an eye-opening experience regarding her idea of “love” between parents and kids. Thinking on it, she’s probably not the only kid (especially from a divorced family) who may have this type of thinking. It was a serious conversation regarding how she believed one of her parents “loved” her […]
Thank you, Mom, for my literacy!!
I don’t know why I asked this question in my Comm Arts class today…maybe because we are back from Christmas break, and I wanted to see where I needed to start again, but I innocently asked, “How many of you got a book for Christmas this year?” No one raised their hand…hhhmmm…okay…”How many of you […]
I AM a Military Wife!
I AM a Military Wife! The heartache hits around every corner, The loneliness stretches for miles; I desperately need to touch your sweet face, And be graced with one of your smiles. …..I am a Military wife! The days are filled with everyday duties, Like errands, the kids, the house; But at night I lie […]