

Heartache, Hustle, & Homicide

A Ryli Sinclair Mystery Book 10

Ryli and Aunt Shirley are back and raring to go! What started out as a slow Monday morning quickly spiraled, and soon they had not just one case to solve … but two!

Wealthy Granville resident, Sissy Stapleton, is sure someone in her household is trying to kill her. After listening to her perilous plight, Ryli and Aunt Shirley both agree someone may indeed be trying to kill Sissy.

Ronni Reynolds is convinced her grandmother, Darletta Ross, has been hustled by Brywood resident John Smith. Darletta, however, insists something horrible has happened to her new younger man. Now it’s up to Ryli and Aunt Shirley to figure out if Darletta has been conned or if something more sinister is afoot.

Between hot yoga classes, nightly stakeouts, and new weapons for Aunt Shirley to perfect, the girls take to the road to solve their cases before victims start crawling out of the woodwork. Good thing Aunt Shirley just stocked up on her stash of tequila!